(306) 621-7847
64 Logan Cres W Yorkton Sk S3N0W2

Chip Sealing

(BST / Bituminous Surface Treatment) is the application of a special protective wearing surface to an existing pavement.

Why chip seal?

  • To keep water from penetrating the road structure on paved surfaces.
  • To fill and seal cracks of old pavement.
  • To provide an anti-glare surface during wet weather and an increased reflective surface for night driving.
  • To seal the pavement surface-minimizing the effects of aging.
  • To provide a highly skid-resistant surface, particularly on wet pavements.
  • The cost of chip sealing is nearly a 75% savings over the cost of repaving.

The Chip Seal Process

During this process, asphalt is combined with approximately 30% water. This mixture is then applied to the road by utilising  a spray truck. When the liquid asphalt meets the road surface, the water starts to evaporate. After spraying this asphalt, a layer of crushed gravel is applied by a spreader. The gravel (or chips) have a maximum size of 3/8 inch. Then, the gravel is compacted and embedded into the asphalt by rubber-tired rollers.

The new chip-seal surface can require up to two days to cure properly. Hot, dry weather helps speed up this process in which all of the remaining water in the emulsion evaporates and the asphalt hardens. Traffic can pass over this surface at reduced speeds during the curing process. After curing, the loose gravel is swept off the surface.

During this process, our road crews ask that motorists reduce speed to avoid creating extra dust, flying rocks (that haven’t yet embedded into the pavement mixture from the steam roller) and help to create good visibility. By reducing your speed you will help to keep crews and your vehicle safe from debris.

For more information and a complete list of our services, Please contact us at: 306 946 7505